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                                                      Adalys E. Diaz

Adalys is the proud mother of two teenagers. She is a Florida licensed Acupuncture Physician with a Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine and Herbology (Diplomate in Oriental Medicine) as well as Bachelor’s Degrees in Health Sciences and Economics. She is a Certified Behavior Targeted Case Manager and has a Juris Doctor with an active attorney license.

Adalys was a practicing attorney with her Firm for more than 20 years when her 6-year-old son was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). He was later found to be on the Autism Spectrum. His initial treatment was with various psychotropic medications, from pills to liquids to patches, including Zoloft, an antidepressant. None of it was effective; some turned him into a zombie-like child, while others made him even more anxious, aggressive, and impulsive. He’d bite his fingers until they bled and once tried to jump out of a car in motion. He had to be pulled out of school because of impulsive and aggressive behaviors and his doctor’s only solution was to increase the Zoloft dosage.

Out of desperation, Adalys refused to continue the treatment and decided to seek alternatives. A friend referred her to a Pediatric Acupuncturist and without ever having heard or known, about acupuncture, the event changed her life. An initial evaluation revealed the Qi of his meridians were significantly out of balance and he started treatment that same week that included laser therapy and electro-acupuncture. After three consecutive weeks, he started to feel better, he stopped biting his fingers and his aggressive behavior decreased.

Adalys sold her law firm and decided to become an acupuncturist dedicated to children, teenagers, and families. While studying for it, she worked at a clinic for two years and completed her Internship as an acupuncturist. She is an Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist of NADA protocol, which allows her to treat addictions; and she obtained the Acupuncture Injection certification, which authorizes her to provide vitamin injection therapy.

In the final pursuit of her new mission, Adalys got involved as a social worker to learn the resources Florida has available in its school systems to help children diagnosed with special needs, the effects their conditions have on their educational and school performance in general. As a result, she became a Florida State Board Certified Behavior Targeted Case Manager. After working with hundreds of families and children, the experience further reassured her that notwithstanding the efficacy of these programs, the need for a tailored, one-on-one, alternative medicine treatment is essential for children's mental stability.

Now as a licensed Acupuncturist, with her professional background and the understanding acquired through her personal experiences, she opened Diaz Acupuncture. Her goal is to offer an effective, individualized, and safe treatment for the whole family.

A lifetime of well-being!


7100 Fairway Dr. #33, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418

Ph. (561) 625-5556


Mon & Thurs 2p - 7p    Tues & Wed 10a - 2p

Fridays 10a - 7p    Saturdays 10a - 1p

Sundays closed 


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